Bug Details
Other Bugs From Submitter
1. When you have characters on more than one ser... 2. If loginserver goes down, worlds do not recon... 3. When I enter a chunk on more than one occasio... 5. The .move command does not work when used fro... 6. Sometimes, when logging into the world, there... 7. WHERE: In a room within Hathor Zhi at Locatio... 8. When choosing my name in the Fixed By section... 9. Hi,
Found 2 errors when i try to compile the... 10. Hi,
At this moment, the wiki is not availa... 11. I'm not sure if it is anything you particular... 16. Every time I log on and select a character fr... 41. Just noticed player Vurgood was said to be On... 44. Figure out how phpBB3 3.0.12 inserts new post... 56. There were 4 players on at the time. I submit... 67. Not exactly a bug, but an enhancement request... 75. ~9:25PM EST on 01/14/15
I am adding this v... 80. This happens more often than I am comfortable... 101. We did a couple spawn combines in Halgarad to... 109. I've experienced it twice now while moving to... 110. Halgarad chunk, there are multiple copies of ... 111. Halgarad chunk: doors are missing on the buil... 112. When ending a trade/buy session with NPCs (I ... 113. Halgarad chunk: When terminating a trade sess... 114. When I click "help" then "Petition" it opens ... 120. When I link an item in /say, subsequently cli... 131. (JA) I rarely see this anymore, but right now... 172. Whenever I visit the healer instructor in Isl... 226. I just found out that LaunchPad 2 has a very ... 227. When you create a dark elf character you are ... 228. LaunchPad 2 doesn't ever seem to refresh the ... 232. When you mouse-over your own HUD element, the... 515. When a world object (i.e. Sign Post, scroll o... 526. right clicking gataro repellent shows the exp... 543. When I cast the BM spell Siphon Blood, 33x Vi... 561. I used a spell that had AddItem()
1st Cas... 767. As the subject states, i have noticed in mult... 1392. Summary description 1393. description two 1394. test desc 1395. testing 4 1477. Everytime I press Spirit Strike (Which is a E... 1479. Using an ability right AFTER using Hammer of ... 1528. Ok so this is reproduced on any race that sel... 1547. This may be a known issue but shields don't s... 1548.
The wood elf's racial ability "Form of N... 1551. test 1552. I know these aren't important right now...b... 1574. I've not been able to reproduce this yet, but... 1590. I turned in Flames of the Past - part 2 (Bord... 1591. My paladin started auto-casting "AoDP" every ... 1898. Quest 7475 The Shotaru
Shotaru of Dishonor a... 2412. Blacksmith sets up table, begins, the first y... 2464. Camping or otherwise disconnecting while dead... 2776. I made a Blood mage in the newbie area. I got... 2777. I do not see my intelligence or strength incr... 2788. Class: monk
Skill: Feign death 1
I can do a... 2827. In Halgarad, the diplomacy mission "Drop The ... 3043. As long as you /camp prior to aggro happening... 3149. Quest rewards for Rindol Field Halfling stari...
Using an ability right AFTER using Hammer of Krigus causes the enemy to lose a large chunk of health (not actual damage) but the HP display drops to 2%
server_id: 1
server name: New Telon
severity: Standard
reproduce: Every time
updated: 2017/12/06 09:29:36
assigned to:
Fixed By:
Server Bug