It is currently Thu Feb 06, 2025 11:27 pm
- Welcome
Welcome to! | is the official home of the Vanguard:Saga of Heroes Emulator Project. New Player? Check out the Getting Started in VGO thread to get started on New Telon! |
- Important Announcements
We have a discord channel if you wish to stop by. |
Currenty status as of 10/1/2021 |
Welcome to VGOEmulator! is the official home of the Vanguard:Saga of Heroes Emulator Project. The State of the Game (Oct 1, 2021) It has been seven long years since Vanguard: Saga of Heroes shut its doors to players on the official servers. The game was only alive for seven years. And the staff of Vanguard's Emulator Project has spent the last seven years tirelessly working to bring it back. But we are not finished, and we will not be finished for some time. We have come so far, but we have a long way to go. While, to the player, the game might seem to be finished, there is a lot of back end work that has not been set up yet. If painting a picture requires one to start with broad strokes and finish with small details - we are still on the broad strokes - but the players see the finished painting. Our overall goal is to make the game as it was in its prime, pre-Free To Play Changes.
Adventuring: Almost all of the Starter Areas have been restored from their removal during the Free To Play change. The only exception to this is Mekalia and Hathor Zhi. Many questlines are up and running to at least level 30. Popular Armor Setups have been added to the game including Hunter's League and Wardship armor. Swamp armor is still being worked on. Some Dungeons have been set up including Khegor's End, Dargun's Tomb, Trengal Keep, and Vol Tuniel. Not all of these dungeons have been cleaned up, optimized, or have loot tables yet. For the most part, mobs are all placeholder, included bosses. Most do not have any attacks other than test-placeholder attacks. Their stats are also placeholder including Hit Points. They have no weakenesses or strengths, and have not yet been designated a 'type'. This is all being worked on and will take some time before it's live. Basic Player Abilities are set up - the simpler ones should be working at least to level 30. The more complicated skills are still being worked on and may not work for now. Please see our wiki for specifics on which abilities are working and which have not been scripted yet. Crafting and Harvesting: Crafting, like much of the rest of the game, is still in its infancy. For the most part, the core mechanics work. You can start a recipe, craft the item, have complications, and get the item on completion. However there are many details about crafting that needs to be worked out. For example, you can learn recipes that have not yet been set up. The game will allow you to go through the entire process of crafting until you reach the end, where no item is given. Crafting has been set up mostly in full to T1. T2 is in process and being worked on. Please see our post on the wiki for specific details on the state of crafting. Harvesting is set up in a rudimentary fashion as well. Group harvesting has not yet been implimented yet, and skillups are currently slow. Skinning is the one harvesting time that is lagging behind as that must be set up manually by the content design staff. They usually set this up during the cleanup process. Diplomacy: Diplomacy, like crafting, is still in a crude working state. Many of the items that alter the actual diplomacy game board have not been scripted or set up yet. So they will not work at this time. Civic Diplomany has been set up in most areas that allow it. Not all of the buffs have been set up in full yet. Please see the wiki for more specific information regarding Civic Diplomacy. Other: The base game is still being heavily worked on by the Developers. They are currently working on the "Line of Sight" problem which requires some extensive geolocation work. Without the current level of work, mobs would be aggroed through the geometry. But at the current level of work, sometimes it's impossible to get line of sight to mobs. The developers still need to work on the back end of many parts of VGO, including all three spheres. The Content Designers are working their way through the chunks, trying to set up quests, mob location and pathing, and general cleanup. |
The True Heroes of Vanguard |
The end of an era has come; Vanguard: Saga of Heroes is truly gone. Another era has come to an end at the same time, and that is the time we had to collect game data from VG:SOH Live game. There is no more work to be done in this area as of tonight at 6:17pm PDT. Without our valiant Data Collectors, this project would not be possible. They signed up on this site, grabbed our collection tools and began playing the entire game of VG:SOH from level 1 through 55, conquering every mob they could find, chasing down every quest, crafting every item they could get a recipe for, and pursuing all diplomacy efforts. Through their efforts have I come to realize the true scope of this game -- it is enormous. These tireless players gave it their all, and I want to be sure the first thing people see when they come to this website is a hearty thank you from me and the entire development team.
To those who collect; we salute you:
The continue task now falls on our Development team, who are heroes in their own right, to take the data collected and turn it into a playable game. This will be a long, hard road to making Vanguard into a playable game again, but it can be done. And as of today, these are the people that will be doing it:
I speak for the entire development team, we are very excited and looking forward to bringing this project to life. Thank you for being a part of history. |
- Announcements
Vanguard shutting down July 31, 2014 |
We have received word that Sony Online Entertainment has made the decision to close four of its titles: Free Realms, Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures, Wizardry Online and Vanguard Saga of Heroes. Read more at |
- Login Status
Status: | ONLINE |
Servers: | 1 up, 2 recent |
Players: | 12 |
Click for Server List |