GPU memory management bugged?

Discussion in 'Test Server' started by ARCHIVED-FelisDomesticus, Aug 22, 2012.

  1. Some pictures of what New Targonor looks like:
    [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
    Somehow I do not think that is what it is supposed to look like that.
    All pictures are taken with all settings maxed. Computer in question has 16GB of memory and videocard (Radeon HD7970) 3GB, so you cannot really up those values any more for home use. Tested with several drivers with same results.
    EDIT: Missing houses usually come back after you move a bit or just wait. Missing tree trunks never seem to appear.
  2. Those do not look like Khal, did they change that too?
  3. Micstruth wrote:
    Good call. It is New Targonor, but my brain is like on strike or something atm.
  4. Try pushing out your view distance. I don't think you should be seeing fog that close. And I believe that is why some of those objects are being culled out.

    It almost looks like you might be at max graphics settings, but bumped your far clip plane.
  5. Hobart wrote:
    All sliders in the game are maxed except atmospheric distortion (which causes weird effects when maxed). I cannot get those settings higher unless I edit ini or something.
    Far clipping place is at 8192 which is max sliders allow.
  6. Here is picture of same place in New Targonor with far clipping plane at max (8192) and at minimum (100). As you can see difference is minimal. Bug?

    EDIT: I checked and as far as I can tell far clipping place does nothing to vanishing houses. Also I found out that tree trunks vanish when game is supposed to change them to use detailed model. If I set tree details to lowest possible value which always keeps low quality version visible, trunks are visible.
  7. Do you have hardware occlusion enabled? if so, try turning it off.
  8. I think this may be an issue with fog in general...I'm not 100% on this, but since my last return, it seems like I can't see as far in several areas due to fog being all over the place.
    I run the game at max settings (minus atmos distortion) with 8192 far clipping plane and can barely see in some areas (New Targ, Swap chunks, etc)
    I played around with the in-game fog command, but that can mess up the color of the fog, which I like, just wish I could see more than 10 feet in it :/
  9. Khabarakh@Seradon wrote:
    I never use that because it has never worked correctly.
  10. I had the "No tree trunks" issue, and removed hardware occlusio and voila, the trees were back.
  11. Razgon wrote:
    That is the point: as far as I can tell problem with tree trunks is specific to New Targonor. Same applies to houses flickering in and out. I only have minimal problems in Khal or Aghram which are other two major cities. In other two cities I have seen only few packing crates vanishing at worst.

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