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Graye's List

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2021 10:50 am
by Graye_Penumbra
While I've recently been drumming up interest in VGOEmu, this is more or less what I've come across, in the order I feel they need attention.

  • Group loot mechanics. (Without this functioning, it hampers game play somewhat.)
  • Crafter Specialization quests. (Crafting is mostly irrelevant until they're in.)
  • Diplomacy signature statements. (I haven't verified these personally, but they're pretty important to Diplomacy)
  • Worn item buffs/effects. (Currently worn items with buffs or effects are not being applied)

That will "hold over" much of the core game play. As an in-bewteen for the 2 main lists: Get URT, Bounty Hunters, and Hunter's League in as soon as applicable.

Following that in general order, but should be addressed at every 10 level jump (EG: Adventuring lvl 30 => Crafting30 => Diplo 30 => Adventuring 40 =>Crafting 40 => Diplo 40:
  • Class abilities/functionality (This is already being done)
  • Adventure content "by level" (This is already being done)
  • Crafting recipes by tier (This is already being done)
  • Continental tier quests for Crafting (Might be in the works? but should be addressed after each recipe tier reaches completion)
  • Diplomacy masks (This is really important for higher Diplomacy, should be around the 30's-40's range)
  • Diplomacy Houses & Crafting guilds
  • Ships, Housing (Crafting) Exemplar of Telon (Diplo), OG Raids and Griffon (Adventuring)
  • Re-purposing unused content. (Jakkal made mention of bringing back the old Pantheon. I feel this may be a bit more of a pipe dream and a lot of work, where the loot from the Pantheon event could be moved to a lesser traveled/unfinished area)
That's just my opinion/list. While I could go on and on about things in general.. This is just a 30,000 ft overview.

As for true "wishes":
  • When level 55 is introduced and PoTA/Epics come into play, I wish that the "grind" be reduced and/or spread out to not be nearly completely dependent on KDQ. There are a TON of great zones/areas in Vanguard that became ghost towns when level 55 was introduced, because KDQ was the only thing that really benefited your character (That and aug farming).
  • Don't bring back Vol Tuniel "choose your own weapon" garbage. I only ever saw one person use an item from there and it took MONTHS to make and almost no time to be replaced. If anything, change the random drops to a form of coin and the drops be vendor bought, so the item can be obtained, created and socketed in a reasonable time/fashion. Leave the mythics, crafting, and diplo rares as bonus loots.

Re: Graye's List

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2021 1:31 pm
by Jehlicka
I am not authorized to speak for the whole team, so I will just add my comments from the Content Designer's perspective. :)
In my opinion, you have described all parts of the game that are on VGOteam's TO DO list (incl. all the "already done" parts). The question is what priority does any aspect of the game have, what do we have the data for and what do we have the know-how for. The time availability of team members who can set up crafting, diplomacy (which also means gathering existing information about the quests and recipes) etc. is critical as well. It will probably take a longer time, anyway, the whole team wants to have all this implemented in the game sooner or later.

Regarding your true, I'd say you should discuss this topic with Jakkal and DEV guys while on Discord.

Anyway, thank you for your observations! ;)