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Bugs and how to squash them!

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 10:29 pm
by Moldew
Bugs happen. This is how we squash them...

1. You find a bug.
2. You report it using the /bug command online.
3. Your bug will be queued up in our bug tracking system.

That's your part, pretty easy. Here's my part...

1. If your bug is a known bug already in the system (tracker or already in a post), or it is a bug we specifically asked you not to report, I will probably just close it. (Please read the MOTD!)
2. I will post your fresh bug on the forums in a new post and assign the appropriate dev. (I try to go through the bugs a few times/week, sometimes more.)
3. Once a bug is fixed, or not applicable for some reason, the dev will post the fix/reason. I typically leave it there for a day or two and then move it to the archived bugs section.

These instructions could change, but not likely. If you have questions, let me know.