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NPCs with Missing Civic Parleys

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 8:36 am
by Jakkal
Actually read this because it's more than just "This NPC has no civic parleys". If you report an NPC that has no parleys, I will give you the annoyed face -> >:|

In most towns, but NOT ALL, the stations that are available for parley will have 4. Some, like Tanvu, seem to only have 3. What we are specifically looking for are NPCs that are missing some of the parleys that the rest of the NPCs in that town have.

For example, if Soldier Bob has 4 soldier civic parleys, and Soldier Jim has 3, we want Soldier Jim reported. Before you knee-jerk and report NPCs, make sure the other NPCs aren't the same. I went through Tanvu yesterday and it appears that they only have 3 parleys for their stations.

The Masterlist of Civic Diplos and what's been set up so far can be found here:

When you report them, the information we want is:
Chunk, NPC Name, Station

Please make just one reply and keep editing it to add to the list. If you do not have a forum account and don't want to make one, you can /bug report it in game, or you can post it to me on our discord or PM on discord.

Here is an example of the issue. The NPC on the right is missing "Consult the Wise" from the Clergy Station parley list in Tursh.


Re: NPCs with Missing Civic Parleys

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 8:46 am
by Zukan
Tursh Village - Guard Alanark - Soldier
Tursh Village - Marshal Rusten - Domestic
Tursh Village - Amelia Rusten - Domestic
Tursh Village - Acolyte Weylan - Clergy
Tursh Village - Acolyte Pratt - Clergy
Tursh Village - Novice Tate - Academic
Tursh Village - Novice Bosley- Academic
Tursh Village - Novice Farrah - Academic
Tursh Village - Novice Fletcher - Academic

Halgarad - Taegor Korge - Domestic
Halgarad - Tarna Karglash- Domestic
Halgarad - Yethia Senos - Craftsmen
Halgarad - Amera Jarkor - Craftsmen
Halgarad - Gori Truth - Domestic
Halgarad - Logran Vaknet - Craftsmen
Halgarad - Shield Ukor - Soldier
Halgarad - Yrokasa Nome- Domestic
Halgarad - Krok Orglesh - Domestic
Halgarad - Tumbler Thistlecorn - Domestic
Halgarad - Eldirmin Herklesh the Wise - Nobles
Halgarad - Eldir Horic - Nobles
Halgarad - Eldirmin Dranameh - Nobles
Halgarad - Friosh Karn - Domestic

Tanvu - Imperial Guard Sova Lao - Soldier
Tanvu - Imperial Guard Iku- Soldier
Tanvu - Sanya Eldersword - Crafter

Bordinar's Cleft - Tray Greencopper - Soldier
Bordinar's Cleft - Valorn Copperhelm - Soldier
Bordinar's Cleft - Defender Rex Rutilestone - Soldier
Bordinar's Cleft - Defender Abrin Sharpaxe - Soldier
Bordinar's Cleft - Defender Aldin Brokenstone - Soldier
Bordinar's Cleft - Miner Copperpick - Domestic
Bordinar's Cleft - Kahzin Runeaxe - Domestic
Bordinar's Cleft - Rimera Darkbrew - Domestic
Bordinar's Cleft - Balander Stormwall - Crafter
Bordinar's Cleft - Hagir Silvereye - Crafter
Bordinar's Cleft - Royal Petitioner Goldsmith - Nobles
Bordinar's Cleft - Royal Envoy Daendir Caverson - Nobles
Bordinar's Cleft - Falin Thunderaxe - Clergy
Bordinar's Cleft - Koburn Darkvein - Academic
Bordinar's Cleft - Reader Fellhume - Academic

Re: NPCs with Missing Civic Parleys

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2021 5:22 am
by Jehlicka
Tar Janashir chunk
--parleys to be added/changed--

General NPC's:
Artol Sweetleafe - Academic - Spirit Aflame --fixed
Karass - Outsider - Slap in the Face --fixed
Ovadaco Modisu - Academic - Spirit Aflame --fixed
Darab Marad - Academic - Spirit Aflame --fixed
Big Tom Whoolem - Outsider - Slap in the Face --fixed
"Pretty Boy" Jaxal - Outsider - Slap in the Face --fixed

Guards, Mercenaries and Soldiers (where is the "0" value = to be fixed )
used parleys: Dirty Tricks // Soldiers' Ancient Teachings // Tomb Raider's Strength -- all Soldier

Guard Bijan 0 0 0 --fixed
Guard Chalipa 0 0 Tomb Raider's Strength --fixed
Guard Cyrus 0 0 0 --fixed
Guard Droug Dirty Tricks 0 Tomb Raider's Strength --fixed
Guard Jebel 0 0 0 --fixed
Guard Kajsa 0 0 0 --fixed
Guard Karma 0 0 0 --fixed
Guard Kasja 0 0 0 --fixed
Guard Malaka Dirty Tricks 0 Tomb Raider's Strength --fixed
Guard Soundir 0 0 0 --fixed
Guard Tirgar 0 0 0 --no data record in Db
Guard Wadj 0 0 0 --fixed
Guard Yalda 0 0 0 --fixed
Morthan 0 Soldiers' Ancient Teachings 0 --fixed
Mercenary Frost 0 0 0 --fixed

parleys and decks for these two guards are ok, no need to change
Guard Sakaja Desert Whisperings Slap in the Face
Guard Sakuli Desert Whisperings Slap in the Face

Re: NPCs with Missing Civic Parleys

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2021 10:57 am
by Jehlicka
Tursh Village Chunk
--parleys to be added/changed--

Tursh Village - Guard Alanark - Soldier - Call to Arms: cannot be added, missing Parley_id in the Db
Tursh Village - Marshal Rusten - Domestic --fixed
Tursh Village - Amelia Rusten - Domestic --fixed
Tursh Village - Acolyte Weylan - Clergy --fixed
Tursh Village - Acolyte Pratt - Clergy --fixed
Tursh Village - Novice Tate - Academic --fixed
Tursh Village - Novice Bosley- Academic --fixed
Tursh Village - Novice Farrah - Academic --fixed
Tursh Village - Novice Fletcher - Academic --fixed

Re: NPCs with Missing Civic Parleys

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2021 4:56 am
by Jehlicka
--parleys to be added/changed--

Domestic/ Taegor Korge/ Cheer the People/ Simple Pleasures/ -- fixed
Domestic Tarna Karglash Cheer the People Simple Pleasures Story of the Town --fixed
Domestic Gori Turth Cheer the People Story of the Town --fixed
Domestic Yrokasa Nome Cheer the People --fixed
Domestic Krok Orglesh Simple Pleasures Story of the Town --fixed
Domestic Tumbler Thistlecorn Story of the Town --fixed
Domestic Friosh Karn Cheer the People Simple Pleasures Story of the Town --fixed
Soldier Shield Ukor Call to Arms Prepare For Battle Raise MoraleĀ --fixed
Craftsmen Logran Vaknet Civic Improvement Legendary Items Whistle While You Work --fixed
Craftsmen Yethia Senos Civic Improvement Legendary Items Whistle While You Work --fixed
Craftsmen Amera Jarkor Civic Improvement Legendary Items --fixed
Nobles Eldirmin Herklesh the Wise State of the World --fixed
Nobles Eldir Horic State of the World --fixed
Nobles Eldirmin Dranameh State of the World --fixed

Re: NPCs with Missing Civic Parleys

Posted: Sun May 02, 2021 5:55 am
by Jehlicka
--parleys to be added/changed--

Imperial Guard Sova Lao - Soldier --fixed
Imperial Guard Iku- Soldier --fixed
Sanya Eldersword - Crafter --fixed

Re: NPCs with Missing Civic Parleys

Posted: Sun May 02, 2021 6:02 am
by Jehlicka
Bordinar's Cleft
--parleys to be added/changed--

Updated list with correct presences:

Soldier 1360654 and 1360564 Defender Rex Rutilestone --fixed (1360564) *
Soldier 1360653 and 1360563 Defender Abrin Sharpaxe --fixed (1360563) *
Soldier 1360243 and 1360374 Defender Aldin Brokenstone --fixed (1360243) *
Domestic 1360088 Tray Greencopper --cannot be added, missing Parley_id in the Db
Domestic 1360089 Valorn Copperhelm --cannot be added, missing Parleys_id in the Db
Domestic 1360099 Miner Copperpick --fixed
Domestic 1360668 Kahzin Runeaxe --fixed
Domestic 1360573 Rimera Darkbrew --fixed
Crafter 1360326 Balander Stormwall --cannot be added, missing Parleys_id in the Db
Crafter 1360324 Hagir Silvereye --cannot be added, missing Parleys_id in the Db
Nobles 1360718 Royal Petitioner Goldsmith --fixed
Nobles 1360238 Royal Envoy Daendir Caverson --cannot be added, missing Parleys_id in the Db
Nobles 1360281 Falin Thunderaxe --cannot be added, missing Parleys_id in the Db
Academic 1360274 Koburn Darkvein --fixed
Academic 1360269 Reader Fellhume --fixed

*combined mobs (two spawns), can't set the same parleys for both.

Re: NPCs with Missing Civic Parleys

Posted: Sun May 02, 2021 6:28 pm
by Zukan
Bordinar's Cleft - Tray Greencopper - Domestic
Bordinar's Cleft - Valorn Copperhelm - Domestic
Bordinar's Cleft - Falin Thunderaxe - Nobles
Bordinar's Cleft - Defender Rex Rutilestone - Soldier
Bordinar's Cleft - Defender Abrin Sharpaxe - Soldier
Bordinar's Cleft - Defender Aldin Brokenstone - Soldier
Bordinar's Cleft - Miner Copperpick - Domestic
Bordinar's Cleft - Kahzin Runeaxe - Domestic
Bordinar's Cleft - Rimera Darkbrew - Domestic
Bordinar's Cleft - Balander Stormwall - Crafter
Bordinar's Cleft - Hagir Silvereye - Crafter
Bordinar's Cleft - Royal Peatitioner Goldsmith - Nobles
Bordinar's Cleft - Royal Envoy Daendir Caverson - Nobles
Bordinar's Cleft - Koburn Darkvein - Academic
Bordinar's Cleft - Reader Fellhume - Academic
Here's the updated list. I only needed to change the presences for Tray Greencopper, Valorn Copperhelm, and Falin Thunderaxe. Everyone else seemed to be accurate.