Rogue repec.

Discussion in 'Light Fighters' started by Whiteboy, Sep 6, 2013.

  1. Whiteboy Member

    Thinking of totally repecing my rogue as I think that somehow my stats are not stacked right. currently in order from highest to lowest they are DEX / VIT / CON / STR / INT / WIS.

    I either solo a lot or am in a small group of 2 with a healer/caster. I use ranged in both the throwing knives and bows. and will swap back and forth between daggers and swords. Does this seem like a good focus?
  2. Perle New Member

    str /dext/con especially with the "no more stats cap" coming out "soonish"....

    And as you discribe your playstyle you might want to be a ranger ;)

    have fun
  3. Kilsin Well-Known Member

    I have built my Rogue (main Character) Str/Dex>Con.

    Up to 51 you can wield swords, Axes, Maces and so on but once you hit level 51 you are forced into duel daggers for a Dps increase.

    You can kite and range attack with a Rogue but a Rogues main abilities and where the majority of your Dps comes from is up close and personal, in full stealth mode, attacking from behind the mob. This is the only way to maximise your Dps output, which is what the class is basically designed to do.

    But play the class however you like, as long as you are having fun, that is all that matters ;)

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