Prestige Faction hits

Discussion in 'Diplomacy Discussion' started by Himminy, May 30, 2013.

  1. Himminy Active Member

    Been working on a new alt's diplomacy and I noticed the other day that Ca'ial Brael prestige faction hits are always 2, and never 1.

    Is this only in CB where this happens? I could have sworn some parley's gave 1 and some gave 2 in all the other prestige cities, unless the devs ninja changed it in. Is there a particular reason for this? Or just an oversight? Not saying get rid of it though ;)

    While I had always figured it was on purpose, the +1 prestige hits being on all the raiding diplo buffs while the +2 prestige hits on the others, in order to have some kinda of opposition to the sphere, making all prestige hits +2 (or more, imo, but the whole scaling of diplomacy has been outta whack forever...) would make co-existing in the same City hub with raiders/adv/diplo/crafters a bit easier. Not to mention it's difficult getting all 9 prestige titles before lvl 45+let alone 35 for the Exemplar Reward. Heck, when we had triple faction, it was still difficult!
  2. Leavwiz Well-Known Member

    the incredibly slow prestige gain numbers have driven many of us with multiple diplomats to bauble our way to prestige in troublesome locations. Otherwise, it is highly unlikely you will have the necessary prestige at 35 to get your exemplar rod under the current system.
    Isoel likes this.
  3. Lenolian New Member

    It depends on the type of parleys :

    * Convince, interview and gossip yields +2 prestige faction
    * Incite and Entertain yields +1 prestige faction
    Himminy likes this.
  4. Himminy Active Member

    Wow. CB only has those 3 types of parleys throughout the entire city apparently.
  5. Graye Well-Known Member

    Entertain Parleys yield more faction than the other types.

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