warrior change

Discussion in 'Protective Fighters' started by ARCHIVED-Darkcommando, Jun 21, 2012.

  1. hello, im wondering if we can get an idea which direction the warrior is heading if any, as of the moment im informed by many people its simply under powered compared to the other two tanks, secondly why was defensive stance changed to be a lvl 20 skill yet the other two still get theirs at 10 still?
    thanks :)
  2. dude, sillius already posted that it seems to be a bug.
    but to answer your question, the warrior class has been in the trash for a while and is only sought after because of a few raid encounters that not many guilds are even attempting.
  3. Shal wrote:
    yes he said seems to be a bug, no reply though if it actually is or intended..(as i stated-gm informed me changed to lvl 20 req) and a nice reply if they intend to improve the warrior or leave it doesnt hurt. no point me levelling one to 55 only to have wasted my time when i could have ignored what i enjoyed and gone for a pala/dk just because they are much better at the job. and with f2p upcoming im sure other new players willing try the warrior may like to know they are choosing equally.
  4. well i can tell you right now, that unless the devs make improvements to the class, you'll get better returns playing a dk/pld.
  5. yup thats why i ask even if just a glimmer of hope or indication from the devs then il be happy and i expect most of the others who play a warrior or wish to. i dnt require details, there is enough feedback of what to improve im sure already here. a simple yes we are looking at the warrior and or other classes that may need also. :)
  6. lol why would they bother improving the class. think about it. with f2p, this game is going to lose a lot of subs, guaranteed. what better way to make money than by forcing people to pay to open classes? if you make the warrior f2p, people are going to buy the pld/dk class if they really want to play a tank class.
    i mean i can go on for days about how underpowered the warrior class is but there is no point because the problems people complained about back in the day are still the same problems that exist. and yet warriors have gotten nothing but nerfs. so i have no hope for this class.
  7. I'll echo Shal's comments. The issues with the warrior class run deep, and stem from ill-conceived changes made three years ago.
    We basically exist to tank the adds on Sparkles and Karax. We can't keep aggro off epic dps as main tanks. The really heartbreaking thing is correcting the problem wouldn't take long at all. The hard part seems to be getting development to admit there's an issue.
  8. my epic and pota T3 geared warrior is one of the best crafters and diplos in the game
  9. Silius, this makes up for all the years I have been mad about not seeing the wyrm wings in game. I don't care what they say about you, your alright with me!

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