Shaman spell Panacea recast timer

Discussion in 'Healers' started by Arutam, Sep 9, 2013.

  1. Arutam New Member

    The shaman spell Panacea has a recast time of 30 seconds. Also, a target hit by the spell can not be affected again by Panacea until 30 seconds have passed. This is fine until I get a recast timer reducing effect.
    If, for example, my spell icon shows the spell as available after 29 seconds have passed and I try to recast the spell on the same target as before I get no feedback, except the fact that no spell is cast.

    This is especially hindering with panacea, since it is my first to use if I see unexpected massive health loss. It is the only single target instant heal and it provides 4 seconds of invulnerabilty that allow me to hit my target with a bigger heal of longer cast time. So hitting the key not knowing whether it is lag or a near invisible rest of the red line indicating the spell was not available yet could cost the life of the recipient.

    I would rather have the spell excluded from the recast timer refresh bonus than having this effect. How do others cope with this divergence of the timers?

    Another issue is, of course, that another shaman will block my spell as well, if he casts Panacea. This is not that much of a problem, though, since when having a second shaman in the group I am aware that some spells won't work as if I am healing alone and I do adjust my healing routine.
  2. Krolk Active Member

    I agree it can be a pain because of the timer refresh. There are only a couple of fights though (one in CoB) that I find myself having to use it every 30 seconds.

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