Can't seem to progress Level 1 Goblin Diplomat at at Tanvu questlines

Discussion in 'Diplomacy Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-BrashEndeavors, Aug 8, 2012.

  1. I am at Hido Kani Dawnstar, who gave my other Tanvu character (half elf) a questline to start the diplo chain, but he won't give the same options to my Goblin character.
    The Half Elf had quests to paley with soldiers on the road, and/or to talk to NPCs in the building about entering Civil Service for the Emperor. The goblin is not being given any of these and has no diplo quests to proceed at all.
    I am not sure whether the Goblin somehow got left out when that starter racial areas were all merged into the Tanvu storyline? Or if there is some other issue preventing my goblin from getting any diplo quests (she did get one that let her practice parleys & statments, but nothing after that and none of the storyline quest.)
  2. Also I don't get any options for civic parleys from anyone in the city, including bartenders or soldiers, I am not sure if that is becuase those only unlock at a certain stage or if again it is due to being a goblin and not having an option to start the storyline diplo questline at House of Whisopers.

    edit: now I am getting the civic diplomacy options although they were not an option earlier. Still I am worried if I do not start the story questline while still at level 1/2, that I won;t be able to do it later if I do other parleys. (I seem to recall in the past years ago, getting locked out of beginner storylines after level 5 diplo...)
  3. I ran into the same problem, and after talking to a couple GMs, we figured out that Hido Kani will only give the quests to Kojani Humans. What I did was go to Khal and do the starter diplomacy quests there instead, and haven't had a problem since. Hope that helps! -Nil

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