When will crafting get some love from the Devs?

Discussion in 'Tradeskill Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-JamMan, Sep 1, 2012.

  1. I have been here from beta and crafting is everything to me. I hardly adventure so all the fixes they do to the game are great...but nothing gets done to crafting. There are lots of bug that I have been tellig devs about for years...still nothing done.
    Also I would like to see some new items added (they told us ater launch they would add in the ability for jewelers to make mask...never got done) there are so many things they could do to help make crafting needed in this game...like it was at launch.
    Dont take this post as a gripe. I just would like to voisce my ideas in case a dev does look. I just want to know if there is any hope that crafting will be worked on (and by working on i dont me makeing it easyer lol...I like it how it is now) I just think we need more stuff to make to help crafting be worth more than it is now.
    So if you have any ideas on what can help crafting, then let the devs see it on this post.
    here are my ideas:
    1. crafted mask (and we want it to have an apperance when we put it on, not just stats)
    2. more house items
    3. crafter made "crafting tools and crafting gear (its so hard to get the tools and gear we need to craft wih, let crafters make there own crafting tools please)
    4. I would love it if there was a way to make potions and food...not sure if they would have to make a new crafting class or split it up between all crafters some how.
    5. more consumeables (not sure what they coul do here , but as we have now in game is a few off each crafter and only a few are worth even selling) so I guess we could also ask for an update to current consumeables.
    well thats it for now...i'll add more as i think of them. so lets here what you all have on your minds about how to help crafting.
  2. I made a comment on IoD a couple weeks ago how I couldn't make food as a halfling.
    Come on!
  3. Seems to me there could be a combined diplo/crafting questlines (similar to tier quests but at the odd levels like 15,25,35, etc) around crafters making their own tools-
    Crafters have to journey around to NPC master crafters with whom they need to have sufficient faction and then through a combination of smaller quests/ work orders/ parleys convince the masters to teach them the tool upgrade-
    Seems like this could add a lot of depth to both spheres without requiring huge changes/ etc to the current setup
  4. There was a recent video interview with Sil and Andy. They stated they have plans for crafting and diplo in game, but they needed to clear out the current content they were working on, ie. CoB, some overland raid targets, bugs, and cleaning up from F2P launch, the big world wide quest.
    So lets hope it comes soon, as a player with all 6 crafters, I would a little TLC, and maybe a hug.
  5. given the impact of the sc market on expendables, boats, etc, it really is time to give the crafters some useful things to make to keep players interested in this fine art. If crafters at all levels could make at least one item that is useful in game and not available in the store it would bring a smile to my face. I like the mask idea presented above. Or bags that at least match the storage capacity of the market bags, but with stats, or a harvesting bag (that goes on the harvesting character page) that actually holds harvested items.
    I especially like the idea of being able to make crafting tools (the essences to give them attribute stats are already in game).
    There is a lot you could do to give crafters a boost, especially at lower levels to keep the interest growing. I suggested for the SOE live player panels a panel on the role of the crafter in mmo's in general. This thread ties in with that thought.
  6. I could see them reimplementing the forgotten/discarded Alchemy class into a profession that makes potions and also makes drinks/food.

    But maybe thats just a dream.. (although i shiver at the thought of leveling 2 more crafters)
  7. Oberan@Tharridon wrote:
    But is it an "ooooohhhhh, it tingles" kinda good shiver of anticipation, or is it the "oh my god! Don't go in the basement where the lights don't work!" kinda shiver? Inquiring minds want to know ;)
  8. one more thing they could have the alchemy class do is...make dyes (like it was to be at launch lol) and i think if they just make th alchemy class make food/ potions and dyes. that would make me happy.
    onther item i hope thye work on is, makeing it possible to have our crafting xp bar change out with the adventure xp bar once we change in to crafting clothes. I hate not knowing what % i am while crafting (and also keeping the cheracter sheet open while I craft jsut to see my xps. (i used to use drox but im back to the default UI, i know drox had this in place so not sure why devs can make this happen)
    I just wish one of the devs could just let us know if they will be working on crafting any time soon...or is it years away?
  9. I'd just be happy with some quests in the 30 to 45 level range for Crafters.
    I finally strapped down this past weekend to get through the thirties and I dang near wanted to claw my eyes out. Props to those of you with multiple crafters. Dear lord!
  10. Koralith wrote:
    Let me see.
    53 Weaponsmith
    52 Leatherworker
    50 Minerologist
    40 Armorsmith
    35 Carpenter
    33 Tailor

    I look at it this way. If you leveled a character at release from 1-50 crafter it was probably at least if not more than 2x as hard as it is today (used to take 50% more exp to get from 1-50, Tools had lesser stats, saga quest didn't exist so it was hard to come by good gear especially clothing, faction gain per w/o was about 1/5 of what it is now, complications were much worse as pretty much all of them evolved into worse forms if you didn't take care of them right away, recipes were random work order rewards instead of sigils, and there were no doulbe xp days or potions)
    Still was awesome when i saw the server first Adamantine Horseshoe recipe drop (later renamed to Truesilver Horseshoes because it never actually used Adamantine)
  11. Oberan@Tharridon wrote:
    I'm confused. Are you saying that it's a good thing that you still have to work order grind for over a full tier of levels? If you had to do this for Adventuring people would be up in arms with pitch forks and fire! It's the equivilant of having to kill mobs for your level and there's no point in game where you don't have at least some quests available.
    I don't even care if the quests don't give much in the way of experience. It's just something to break up the boredom of work order grinds. Do some travel, examine stuff in the world away from the hitty things, talk to crafters, make a few things here and there as you go.
    This past weekend I spent the whole time in the same zone (I also needed to work on my continental artisan faction). It's honestly boring and the only reason I did it was because it was double XP and I felt bad because the person I got into crafting (by introducing them to the Artisan Saga) is on their second character and guilt tripped me (lovingly of course!).
  12. I started playing due to the fact that they had a class that controls things, (example: beast tamer, breeder, summoner) any game with these choices are a plus to me. Foor this game, it was the much loved (by me) necromancer. But that pales in comparison after once i started playing, i found out that i can become a crafter. Now i dreaded the fact that i can only master one trait per char, cause i wanted to make houses and furniture and you need multiple crafters for that. But i accepted my role as a Necromatic Woodworker..... boy does that not mix at all.
  13. I got a weaponsmith from 37-41, an armorsmith from 25-31, and a minerologist from 22-31 in the span of this weekend, and I didnt even log in at all on Monday or Tuesday. Suffice to say I am done with leveling crafting until:
    Tawar Galen gets fixed. It crashes about every 5 minutes from what I have seen. (Is it due to being on the same system as Tanvu?) Its impossible to do more than 1 combine of the Artisan Saga in TG - usually I port to my house and then port back for the turn in and then log for a day before doing the next part.
    More Quests are put in. The combines at level 41 are pretty much rediculous, sometimes taking 3-4 minutes depending on how herp derp the complications are. I still think you should at least get xp every complication you work through - think of it as fighting a 1 dot mob while soloing a 4 dot mob.
    Another bonus xp weekend is put in. Seriously, its only the thought that I'll be through the level 2x as fast that makes it any fun to take on the increasingly difficult work orders. Even then I also popped an xp potion and had weeks worth of rest xp saved up. I can't imagine how pathetic the xp gain per time invested is with no bonuses or rest xp on.
  14. tazze2000 wrote:
    Well, its not entirely worthless. You can make yourself a very good staff or focus items with wood working. If you are gold or willing to unlock a few items, you can get some really nice yellow, orange, red gear from crafting eventually. While there are 'some' quested weapons which are clearly better than crafted ones - crafting you can do all solo, while those quests all involve some very time intensive group quests. Crafting very much favors the casual player.
  15. Hobart has posted in another thread that the chunk crashes in Khal and Tanvu were directly related to crafting. Hopefully this means a resolution is in sight for the remaining chunks where we crafters have been suffering. The old saying that even negative attention is still attention could apply here, at least the team is aware of crafting's impact on the game... grin
  16. leavwiz wrote:
    How much are you willing to bet that the resolution is to simply turn crafting off :)
  17. I'd like to see the devs atleast post what they have in mind for crafting so we don't go wasting our time doing WO's and other grindy things, if its all gonna be for nothing. If they are installing more quests I want to stop crafting now until then, depending on the time frame, so ya, a heads up would really be nice to see.
  18. ZatzZatsGood wrote:
    Agreed, but lets face it, right now there is just so much, I doubt anything is in stone, and if you post ideas and then do not follow thorugh here? You will pay dearly, it isn't worth it.
  19. New items would be nice, but first I would like for all the bugs to be fixed.
    All the multiple recipe books, like 20 bricks, panels, etc., need to be listed which ones you have somewhere. Also shouldn't use up a book if you already have the recipe.
    The recipe list needs to be sortable/filterable.
    When actually crafting, add an actual step in the process for adding the catalyst (powder, dust, crystal). Having it just pop up in mid air and if you don't click it and accidentally click on a complication then it goes away and you are screwed.
    Make all the icons in each step be in the same order for every recipe. This is especially a problem with the first step that is the number: 1, 3, 5, 20 recipes, they aren't in the same order for every recipe. But also is a problem for some sections in higher level crafting where the icons will be in a different order for certain recipes than they normally are.
    There are some recipes that don't have models, some two handers have a one handed model.
    Some crystals/dusts/powders can make items that aren't listed on them. Like for example crystals of devastation can make melee damage rings, which aren't listed on the crystals.
    That's all I can think of off the top of my head.
  20. Baldurr@Telon wrote:
    I can't help with most of this, but as a possible temporary assist the command /craftingaddsecondary can be a lifesaver if you miss that airball. Anywhere in that set of craft steps you can type it - if you run with macro crafting (I don't) then mebbe a safe bet would be to put it into a lot of your macros. Hope that helps. Good Luck and I hope your other fixes are implemented!

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