Test Server Character Copy

Discussion in 'Test Server' started by Wigin, Nov 15, 2013.

  1. iamme Active Member

    stealth was doing the same thing, had to toggle it off via the buff bar
  2. dravid Well-Known Member

    Lavy brings up a valid point. It would be nice if this could also be factored in by the development team since I remember the issues we ran into when APW was launched.
  3. Wigin Developer

    We have had a few crashes on Test and found the issue and Test is being patched very soon with the fix along with a couple of fixes from outdated information.
    Ghostchild likes this.
  4. Alimora Well-Known Member

    Do you want us to look for any discrepancies between test and live of just for stuff that isnt functional ?

    For example weapon damage / efficiency runes have changed from live, but do stil seem to function in the same way.
  5. Wigin Developer

    Hold off on those until we patch again Test was a little out of date data wise. If its still different after it comes back up we will investigate it.
  6. Leavwiz Well-Known Member

    yah, some guildies reported no characters on test at all.

    on live for now, will pop back to test later tonight
  7. Wigin Developer

    Can you have them PM me their station name so we can see what happened?
  8. Alimora Well-Known Member

    One thing ive noticed with test over the past few days is that it just hangs when the login server is not available, it just sits on the loading image and does nothing for 3 mins, when you tab out you get your windows taskbar back but vg still shows the loading image, then finally when you minimize all, you can continue working. There is no way to tab back into the client and its still image either.

    I know this has no priority whatsoever but im just listing it since i was staring at it once again just now. Some clarity toward the end user about whats holding up the client might be usefull when its on live. messages like attempting to connect to server etc might be able to help provide clarity, rather than the wtf, why is my client stuck for 3 mins and then randomly closes without any notice.
  9. Wigin Developer

    Test Server is back up with a fix to the crash that was happening earlier.
  10. Shal Active Member

    is there a list of the buff conversions somewhere?
  11. Thretosix Active Member

    Thanks for the character copy. The new buffs look nice. I just want to add that Wigin was very helpful on the test server tonight. Looking forward to testing the new content.
  12. Gresteh Active Member

    You have changed the DBMS? woah that's a big change, and it usually requires a LOT of SQL changes... that's a lot of work. This change should be announced properly, the PR department should create some images, you should add a news item to the page, send some newsletters to former players informing about the server performance upgrades...

    Now it's time to request SOE's management some additional programming resources to do a client performance upgrade... and then you should start advertising VG a lot… Ok, perhaps not... the animations should be changed first, animations are one of the game's more noticeable problems, and I’ve seen many players complaining about them.
  13. TLoch Developer

    I have been eyeing the client a bit for improvements. There were already some simple (but hugely noticeable) improvements done by Hobart earlier this year on the UI's side of things.
  14. TLoch Developer

    Just a heads up, we're seeing a lot of the same crash on test server. Has to do with the targeting changes that were made. We'll be patching a fix for that sometime tomorrow.
  15. Alimora Well-Known Member

    Effi and weapon damage cosmetic changes are still there.

    sleeping chunks dont seem to wake up.
    BBO buffs are stacking with old buffs.
    Not getting any experience back when looting a tombstone
  16. Torveld Active Member

    Here are a few issues I noticed, maybe some of them are intended but it seems worth mentioning.

    The general mitigation enrichments seem to be gone.

    Feign Death does not work, it acts like you are at the shendu fight and does not even trigger the animation.

    The monk 5 piece pota bonus ability "Fists of Celerity Mastery" won't appear in the spell book as it does normally for wearing 5 pieces of the armor. I can't get it to appear at all, and it is a very important ability.

    Caps still seem to be enabled, for instance the damage cap from gear.
  17. dzirlion Member

    Full geared and full aug'ed with CoW gear the first guardians hitting my DK for 140k spell damage. Really need some tweaking... Can not test much tho!!
  18. Dosi Active Member

    Sham Rakkur's "Hunter Shroud" stealth the only way to turn it off via the buff bar
  19. Wigin Developer

    That was the gilded ability you can avoid death from getting close to the flame guardian.
    Ghostchild likes this.

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