Whatever happened to this idea for warriors?

Discussion in 'Protective Fighters' started by ARCHIVED-Nergle, Jun 11, 2012.

  1. I'm just curios about what happened with this descripto and the warrior? http://www.vanguardmmorpg.com/vanguard_classes_warrior.php
    While looking at this reminds me of the Slayer and Choppa dynamic in Warhammer online, I leveled both classes and loved how their damage and armor ignore abilities worked in pve and pvp. While I am still young to Warrior (Monk & Dread knight player), I can honestly say there is definantly something missing in regards to the correct dynamic of this class " This is the only class I have played in Vanguard that every fight "with a two dot moth in Flordiel" ends up being a do or die epic fight.
    devs, if you are reading this, please play warhammer online and look at the Slayer/Choppa dynamic because it better fits the warrior dynamic that was suppose to be when Brad and the dream team worked on this.

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