Kojani Monk - level 15 trainers?

Discussion in 'Light Fighters' started by ARCHIVED-pox671, Oct 4, 2012.

  1. At level 15 I got a message saying to visit my trainer to choose a style.
    I have visited all the trainers I have used before and the one in Tanvu but none of them offer a style choice, also none of them have level 16 skills for me.
    Any pointers greatly appreciated!
  2. You will need to go to the city of Khal on Qalia. If you go the west side of the river, outside the walls, near the faction mount vendor there is a monk grandmaster. He will start you out on your quest to pick a monk style.
  3. Cool, thanks Torveld.
    Odd that Kojan doesn't have Monk Grandmasters though with all the monastries around.

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