Another new/past player coming back to play

Discussion in 'The Newbie Yard' started by ARCHIVED-Lancet, Oct 31, 2012.

  1. Think im going to start a psi elf. Any help would be appreciated. Love to group. Downloading the game right now!
  2. welcome back. enjoy your stay.. ask any questions if you wish here
  3. Welcome back to the game!!!!
    Great choice with PSI, stick with it, my fav class in game.
  4. I don't have a psi, don't know it exists, but I'd love to see a spell graphic of the psi forcing his target to punch himself repeatedly in the face while saying "how's that feel?" and "mad? What're you so angry about"
    Just sayin-
  5. how about a psi forcing a mob to rip its own head off with its own arm? (i played too much mortal kombat, i know)

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