Possible to improve /refinesetrecipe to search on partial names?

Discussion in 'Tradeskill Discussion' started by Volatri, Oct 24, 2013.

  1. Volatri Member

    Short background: It is tedious to find a recipe in any recipe book of some size (yes every one who has been a crafter for some time knows this already :p).

    After another "hey where is that recipe? -session" I came to think that it would be really great if the /refinesetrecipe slash command would work on partial recipe names.

    Example/Suggestion 1) /refinesetrecipe "kojani jute" would pick one (semi random) of my recipes with the text sequence 'kojani jute'. (helpful)

    Example/Suggestion 2) /refinesetrecipe "kojani jute" would give different results depending on if I have one or several recipes containing the text sequence 'kojani jute':
    (a) If there is only one match, that recipe would be selected.
    (b) If there are more than one match, the names of all matching recipes would be listed in the chat window (similar to /showfactions). (more helpful)

    Of course if there is no match, I should still get the chat message 'Unknown crafting recipe'.

    Might not be worth doing if it involves a lot of programming effort. But if it would involve a limited programming effort: pretty please?
  2. Zatzmanzatz Active Member

    Macro usage in VG is pretty specific, any /command has to use exact names in its syntax. There is no real way to search unless macros and "learned" data (reicpes, etc.) was stored on the client side, but its not.

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