Level 40+ Content

Discussion in 'Developer Roundtable' started by Moorgard, Dec 11, 2012.

  1. Amnath Active Member

    Agree. The suction from this makes the flea eggs in the other stuff even worse. On newer alts I've personally found that HL/CW is irrelevant and unnecessary but as long as it's "the best" I'm pretty sure the game flow will go that way. Whereas in the upper 30s you can just go to Bounty Hunters in Seawatch and in a few minutes you have some pretty decent armor. There should be a cusp around 50 where it becomes pretty important to get several of the best items you can, but during leveling it's not so crucial. Upgraded swamp chest clickys are usually decent but the practice is rather obscure and the legwork into it is immense.

    Tend to agree with other responses. Vault of the Hidden & Old Targonor need "something", Islands of Madness intro line felt discouragingly like VT 2. Never been to Dungeon Keepers Lair at all. Lost Canyon just seems like a bit of extra stuff for some xp, not very inspiring. Dargun's Tomb is more for 32-35 than 40+. APW can start at 48, this one could really use a huge arrow pointing at it...might no longer be valid at 55, but it can accomodate a rather large group of people building at least a few pieces of gear upgrades. From what I recall, the actual xp is not very much though. Didn't realize 50 was viable for PotA, I was recommended to get to 53 before starting it so maybe the quest level should be raised.

    Graystone is terrific, it takes multiple runs and even without xp bonus you'll still gain a few levels. You come out around 43 needing a couple levels to be good for RI and then a few more to be good for APW. Swamp armor should be able to be more reasonably packed into that space, maybe not the fully upgraded chest but close. Obviously I'm thinking in group terms for things leading into the first big group thing you can do that might need some guild organization. I'm not sure what to say about the soloing aspect at higher levels, seems more like a time filler than a game intention. If you're going that route, it's definitely going to wane, you're just wading in the swamp or doing laps around RI for the next 75 years until you get to the last resort of Magi Hold. That is the end of the solo game for all intents and purposes although technically you can still gain xp off some golems and elementals strewn around various other places.

    Deadbog is really not the best. The requirements on most of the swamp armor should be reduced and there should be more quests in Elani for instance to that island cave I didn't know existed until lorestones came along and can't remember the name of now. But when I went there I found a boss in one of the first rooms, killed it and got some really nice loot to send to alts. Nothing had ever lured me there while running four characters through the general morass. The armor collects are so busy that most people are not going to interrupt that to swim off the edge to something that appears to have nothing to do with it. I have no idea what the little undead monument near it was either.
  2. Senjalle Member

    I don't think the problem 40-50 is that severe as a solo player. It can get a bit grindy, but you should expect that if you exclusively play solo. Certainly some of the areas could use some love, but there is not a shortage of places to bounce between if the only concern is experience.
    The main issue is a lack of information as to where to go, and simply the existence of this thread will help with that.

    50-55 however is a different story. For a solo player [that cannot kite] there is a single zone with level appropriate content, and that content is targeted at the low end of the level range and at 55 there quite literally is no solo content.
  3. Avooca Member

    Maybe add back the quest for Vee's Visage of Volume to some 40+ chunk, rather than the current situation?
  4. Turkanon New Member

    From when I played i remember doing the swamp armors, heg runs, and ToT were how we leveled to 50. everything else was broken and bugged. Swamp armor was pointless because crafted ended up being better for teh most part so you only needed to kill teh named bosses and do a couple heg runs and you were good to start APW. Griffon Quest was awesome but practicly needed entrance wing APW gear to complete that part in a reasonable fashion. FIX BROKEN CONTENT PLEASE.
  5. Ghostchild Active Member

    I think you are talking about fallen cove, and there are a number of solo quests for this area over on the mainland.
  6. Exmortis Well-Known Member

    Please hold this thread a little longer, due to work, my meet and greet and now holiday commitment I have not been able to compile all the info I have, I would really like to contribute constructively to this post.
  7. Bioarthas New Member

    that was my problem and exactly what you said happend.... once i started reading this thread i had like a billion ideas what i could do....

    i could add the arena in southwatch coast... not realy solo content but if you find 2-3 nice guys who want to do this with you it's realy funny and you get addicted to that place and you want to farm those 1000 coins for the weapon cause you only got 757 coins left to go.....

    edit: and of course thanks to everyone who contributed in this thread i don't think i'm the only one who found great help to find chunks for good content here
  8. guylinn Member

    lol good idea.
  9. Valcron Member

    Fallen Lyceum is a zone that isn't utilized and could use a lot of love. I actually like the zone quiet a bit, I was there on my L 50 toon the other day just wandering around and it's definitely a missed opportunity.
  10. Exmortis Well-Known Member

    All it needs is Vets to take players there, we need to remember we are seeing exactly what I expected. returning players start with what they they know, URT, HL the new players simply gravitate to these due to the overwhelming numbers that do them with every character. Once players get the feel for th egame they will want to leave that comfort zone in search of new places to explore.

    Give it time, new players and returnees will want to branch out, and FL is one of my favs. Not sure what you mnean be needing love, unless it has been broken in past year, we did it top bottom with one of opur character sets beginning of 2012. It was a real challenge and having PSI was a must.

    I still intend to post more, I just reloaded my PC, have not got MS Office reinstalled to access my speadsheet, which needs to be updated with a new low level dungeon I discovered when doing Lomshire starter with a bud, was hella fun Duoing it.
  11. Xavexs Member

    Going to have to say Old Targonor Keep as well, this place had so much potential and lore and has fallen by the wayside.
  12. Fargham New Member

    Level 40-47 is not bad on content. I believe I came out of Greystone at 44ish and was able to find easily soloable mobs up to 47. At 48, I basically had to grind on mobs that were 3-4 levels below me, 2 levels (and balanced for folks with APW gear) above me, or right at my level, but loaded down with massive damage shields. Bard vs damage shields = run away.

    In my opinion, a lot of ToT (outside) is wasted due to ALL the mobs being mid 40s. You could easily have more variance in the ToT chunks where the mobs range from 42-50, rather than all seeming to be 44? or so. There are 4 chunks in the ToT area, and all of the mobs in each of them are the same level. What a waste! I know there are better mobs to be fought inside the temples here, but no one ever comes here organically, so there really are no pickup groups aside from the rare temple flip, and usually those only occur when I have to log off ><

    There are a lot of other chunks in western Thestra that are this way too. Decent amounts of low 40s content, but those last 2 levels lack level 48-50 mobs that are 'geared' for level 48s to kill them.
  13. Koralith Active Member

    I did most of my leveling those last two levels on the four dot Anubis mobs wandering outside of the temples in ToT, and the golems up on the ridge by the swamps. That and assorted bits of helping people do other questlines.

    If you're a bard, I'd highly recommend getting yourself a group together and going down into Nusibe. As a Bard you should have little trouble forming a group, and that place is excellent experience when you start getting into it. You'll eventually find stuff in the 48-50 range that will give excellent experience.

    The thing with those last couple of levels is it's really expecting you to be in groups or to begin your raiding career at that point. I'm not sure if anyone still does pick-up groups for APW keys or the first couple wings of the dungeon itself but those are good places to get XP if you go with a solid raid and have all of the quests.
  14. Sinisna Active Member

  15. Fargham New Member

    I guess this is my problem then. I generally don't have solid blocks of time to play, 30 minutes here, sometimes an hour or two, and if I am lucky, 3 hours. Its not constant, its not predictable, and its generally annoying to not be able to progress with my character unless I can block aside time to commit to a group. I usually slide into alts in that case. I'll have to start being more aggressive about groups when I have time, but that still doesn't help those periods when I don't.
  16. Shal Active Member

    if thats the case, go to afrit and work on the quests there.
  17. Azraell Active Member

    Like what shallaw said.. You can do afrit quests and no need to go back to the quest guy it updates itself. And give you the next quest kinda like a loop quest over and over... You can try to do Ruin Falls quests then work your way to the swamps... Swamps of Rumug has a few quests...
  18. Suefeo New Member

    I know this has been mentioned in the past but I still feel its an important issue. I can go harvesting in Qalia and NEVER see a mob for miles...seriously. I feel this "open wasteland" would be a great opportunity to add new monsters and possibly new quest lines for a level cap up to 60 :) A lot of the "barren wasteland" is in the 40 to 50 areas.
  19. Diaboloco Active Member

    I'm a big fan of quest driven story line. It doesn't have to be linear, and I would prefer it wasn't, but it always seems more engrossing to me to be serving some purpose in a given area rather than just randomly killing things somewhere. That being said I think there are some good places to level solo from 40 - 50 as mentioned in this thread. Some of the places are more group oriented, some are solo/group oriented.

    What I would like to see are some overarching quest/storylines that take a few levels to complete (ala shadowhound/unicorn) and either require you to go to various zones to complete them or have parallel quest lines in similar zones that allow you to go to one or, another, or another to complete the overarching quest line. In other words imagine if there were 3 zones that you could go to to get hunter's league equivalent gear. It wouldn't funnel everyone to the rock to get that level of gear. They could get it 1 of 3 places. As an altoholic it gets somewhat tedious running 6-8 toons through the same areas over and over because that gear is so superior to anywhere else at that level. The overarching questlines would run side by side with what I will call ancilliary local quests, some of which are already in place as quests of ther own, though not necessarily quest lines. In reality much of it is already in place there just need to be some more grand overarching themes that get you through a few levels at a time, maybe one for 40-43, 44-47, 48-50.

    The other thing that has also been mentioned is itemization. Character development is huge and gear progression a big part of that. Perhaps the overarching questlines could be solo in nature that offer gear with augmentation slots, and those augmentation slots require besting some decent group encounters. That way you have a viable way of improving gear as a soloist, but can enhance upgrade it through grouping encounters that maybe take 30 minutes to an hour to get through. Group quest can be a pain to find others on the same quest and of the appropriate class at the same time. Making the quests soloable allows for steady long term progression not relying on others while the upgrading aspect allows for short term grouping experiences that are more easily met for 30 -60 minutes at a time.

    As to my playstyle I enjoy solo, group, and raid content, but hate waiting around doing nothing looking for group or when there is no raid going on. I like to just get out there and go, and then if I run across some people or if friends are on group up as that unfolds. As I said above I enjoy quest driven story line rather than random killing for the sake of gaining experience alone. That is not everyone's playstyle so I offer it to put some context into what I have said above.
  20. Suefeo New Member

    Just wanted to give an example here.....there is an area between Craigwind and Tehat where the mountain line jets in and there is a lot of land the size of the parking lot at Wal-Mart(lol)........I counted 10 Scorpions in this huge chunk of land and I feel it would be better utilized to open up new quest lines or smooth out the gaps in solo leveling. There is plenty of land on this open space to add a new quest hub.

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